Wednesday, October 19, 2011

About Trick or Feed & How to Get Involved

"Trick or Feed" was launched in 2011 as a way to encourage families, children and community members to help fill the local food pantries before the holiday season and the timing couldn't be better.

It's an easy way to help teach children that they have the power to make a difference in their community...even if it means forgoing a treat-or-two to help someone in need.

How can you make your "Trick or Feed" Campaign a success?]

  • Start by printing as many copies of the Neighborhood Flyer that you need.  Drop the flyer off at the homes that your children will be visiting on Halloween night.  Try to drop it off a few days before Halloween night.  That way, your neighbors and friends will be prepared to gather non-perishable food items for you (and the kids) to pick up on Halloween night. 
  • Use our sample email to email your friends, family and neighbors about the event.  Make sure you only email the people that you plan to visit on Halloween night! 
  • Share our website with your friends and family on social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter.  That way, they'll have the time to start their own "Trick or Feed" neighborhood campaign! 
  • Visit the homes you dropped flyers off at on Halloween night when you are out "trick or treating".  You'll also want to print off our "Trick or Feed" poster that kids can attach to their wagon, bike...or themselves!  Your kids can say, "Trick or Treat...or Trick or Feed"'s totally up to you.  Just make sure they are prepared for donations with a wagon, extra plastic bags and a BIG, hearty "Thank YOU!"
  • Connect with your local food bank and find out when you can deliver your "treats"!